
"You Think Anyone Wants A Roundhouse Kick To The Face While I'm Wearing These Bad Boys?"

Napoleon, Give Me Some Of Your Tots.

Time to bring pockets back. It’s Dynamite world, we’re just eating in it.
This party is a 2/10 on the
Pretension Scale. No fine china and table linens here!
Whip up a quesadilla, throw tots in the air fryer, and decide on a beverage.
You could drink 2% if you wanted to. There’s plenty of time to talk to hot babes on the internet after.

Tenley grabs tater tots from plate on a serving platter in the harsh sunlight

Look like a snack,
carry a snack.
TotPockets are the answer.

“Make yourself a dang quesadilla.”

A dang good quesadilla:
Heat a slick of butter in a nonstick pan. Throw down a tortilla and sprinkle with cheese, pre-cooked chicken, and red bell peppers. Top with another tortilla. Flip when the cheese is melty and the bottom is golden. Remove from heat once both sides are crisp.

Extra credit: Liger plates, cargo pants, chapstick

“It’s pretty much my favorite animal. It’s like a lion and a tiger mixed…Bred for its skills in magic.”

Lunchroom tots got nothin’ on these bad boys. Kick your tots up a notch with a good dusting of Old Bay Seasoning and then air fry for maximum crispness.
Plates optional, pockets preferred.


Potato Picnic